Browsers and Bugs 11/2015

Hello and welcome to #11 of Browsers and Bugs. Happy bug reporting!

Browsers, Bugs and Workarounds

Opera Mini

All Opera Mini servers were upgraded to a new version – now comes with support for HTML5 input types and Flexbox \o/.

Rendering engine updates in March for the Windows 10 Technical Preview.

Bug from the past

Some things take 14 years, like event.offsetX/Y in Gecko – via @molily.

The sad state of matrix transforms

All, but IE, fail miserably on scaling and rotating.

Debugging, Testing and more

DevTools: State Of The Union 2015

Slides from @addyosmani showing new demos for Chrome DevTools. Some awesome stuff in there. Video of the talk will be available in the near future.

Fetch API

Using the Firefox DevTools to Debug fetch() on GitHub.

Parsing errors

Internet Explorer logs HTML parsing errors in the console. Nice!

RemoteDebug and cross-browser DevTools. One year later.

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