Hello and welcome to #11 of Browsers and Bugs. Happy bug reporting!
Browsers, Bugs and Workarounds #
Opera Mini #
All Opera Mini servers were upgraded to a new version – now comes with support for HTML5 input types and Flexbox \o/.
remote.ie #
Rendering engine updates in March for the Windows 10 Technical Preview.
Bug from the past #
Some things take 14 years, like event.offsetX/Y in Gecko – via @molily.
The sad state of matrix transforms #
All, but IE, fail miserably on scaling and rotating.
Debugging, Testing and more #
DevTools: State Of The Union 2015 #
Slides from @addyosmani showing new demos for Chrome DevTools. Some awesome stuff in there. Video of the talk will be available in the near future.
Fetch API #
Using the Firefox DevTools to Debug fetch() on GitHub.
Parsing errors #
Internet Explorer logs HTML parsing errors in the console. Nice!