Hello and welcome to issue 24 of Browsers and Bugs. As I am in Brighton for Responsive Day Out tomorrow you can enjoy this issue already today. Furthermore, as I am on holiday on an island in Italy starting next week for 10 days there won’t be a new issue the next 2 weeks. Enjoy the summer.
Browsers, Bugs and Workarounds #
Building a more interoperable Web with Microsoft Edge #
Why user agents are an ever-growing pack of lies; on browsers working around developer errors (eg. correcting charset=”utf8″ to charset=”utf-8″) and much more.
From ASM.JS to WebAssembly #
Browser vendors are collaborating on a WebAssembly standard. You can find some more information and FAQ’s in the Gitub Repo.
Firefox; Bug 366324 #
SVG site icons (favicons, shortcut icons) support
Debugging, Testing and more #
Chrome DevTools, Front to Back #
Talk from Katie Fenn presented at ScotlandJS
BrowserRemote #
Debug your user’s browser remotely via Chrome DevTools. Read more about in the blog post from Kenneth Auchenberg.
BrowserStack #
You can no test Microsoft Edge on BrowserStack.