Thirteen years

Thirteen years ago I published my first article on this site, and it's still alive (is it?).

This site

I've only posted once in the past year, and that's perfectly fine. I could list all the reasons for my irregular posting schedule, but honestly, it boils down to time and motivation. The best part is that I still have this space online to publish whatever I want, whenever I want.


I'm not very active on social media these days. I occasionally check Mastodon and LinkedIn, but that's about it. I rely on RSS to stay informed—it just works.

Since the end of last year, my family and I have had a small garden with a dacha (a "Schrebergarten"). I'm currently renovating it, and I'm really enjoying the hands-on work. I'm also looking forward to growing vegetables and simply spending time in the garden.

That's my yearly update. Stay safe, and keep being awesome!

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